Most Popular Current Affairs
Lab-Grown meat
Why in the news?U.S. regulators for the first time have approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells for human consumption.What is "making meat in the lab"?1. A laboratory-based production technique that uses
Rice Production in India
Why in the
News?India has banned the export of
non-basmati white rice in a move to control the price rise in the domestic
market.Rice Production
in India:1. Rice -A staple
food a. &nb
1. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is an annual or short lived perennial
herb. 2. The flowers are white bearing fruits
which are red or yellow in colour.3. It is a self pollinated crop.4. Major tomato prod
Food Insecurity- HUNGER HOTSPOTS
Insecurity- HUNGER HOTSPOTSQ. Why in News/Context -· A new United Nations early warning report (by Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme) has
warned of increasing acute food insecur