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Source: Down To Earth28th April 2023 (“Bluewashing: Report flags how corporates have wormed their way into global food governance”)


Q. Why in News/Context -

·     The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES) has released a report titled “Who’s tipping the scales”.

Q. Concerns raised by the report:

·   It highlighted how corporate capture of global food governance is increasingly taking place in more visible ways.

·     According to the report, over recent decades, corporations have succeeded in convincing governments that they must be central in any discussion on the future of food systems, the document read.

·  “Public-private partnerships and ‘multi-stakeholder’ roundtables have normalised a prominent role for corporations and given them an inside track to decision-making. 

·  Corporates control the system “through lobbying behind the scenes, political and institutional donations, market power, shaping trade and investment rules, shaping research and innovation, as well as influencing other structural aspects of global food systems.”

Q. Example of Corporate Involvement:

·  The report cited the example of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a global research partnership of international institutions on food security.

·   CGIAR has increasingly relied on funding from private firms and private philanthropic foundations with close ties to industry.

·    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was the second largest donor to the CGIAR system in 2020 at nearly $100 million, dwarfing the amounts pledged by individual governments, including the United States.

Q. What is Bluewashing?

·  Bluewashing refers to a deceptive form of marketing in which an enterprise uses deceptive marketing techniques to overstate its commitment to responsible social practices. 

·     It can be used interchangeably with the term greenwashing but has a greater focus on economic and community factors rather than the environment.

·  The term bluewashing was first used to refer to companies who signed the United Nations Global Compact and its principles but did not make any actual policy reforms. 

Q. Solutions/recommendations mentioned in the report:

·  The experts have recommended the creation of clear mechanisms for assessing, monitoring and managing conflicts of interest in food system governance — going beyond existing limited approaches and developing stricter rules on lobbying, spending and campaign financing intended to influence government policy and elections.

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